
What is the purpose of CURES?

CURES is committed to the reduction of prescription drug abuse and diversion without affecting legitimate medical practice or patient care. The operation of CURES complies with all applicable federal and state privacy and security laws and regulations.

Who is required to register for CURES?

California licensed pharmacists must register for access to CURES upon issuance of a Board of Pharmacy Pharmacist License. Prescriber and Pharmacist registration to access CURES is simple and fully automated. Prescribers and Pharmacists can register by accessing the CURES User Registration.

How do you contact CURES?

For assistance with CURES registration, access, or system use, contact the CURES helpdesk at [email protected] or (916) 210-3187. Registration is done through DOJ’s CURES Registration. Only licensed California prescribers and dispensers can register with CURES.

How often is CURES used?

The Cures Act allocates funding to NIH over each of the next 10 years, for a total of $4.8 billion. However, funding must be appropriated each year. The Act also required the NIH Director to submit an Innovation Fund work plan to Congress.


